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Homelessness Myth #1: All People Choose to be Homeless


Homelessness Myth #1: All People Choose to be Homeless

A variety of different factors can contribute to an individual’s experience of homelessness. Often, people experience homelessness when all other options have been exhausted, and/or they are dealing with circumstances that make it difficult to maintain housing. 

Some of the obstacles that may lead people to their experiences of homelessness include:

- Eviction.
- Shifts in the economy can create challenges for people to earn an adequate income.
- Lack of affordable housing.
- Difficult transitions from child welfare.
- Inadequate discharge planning for people leaving hospitals, correctional facilities, mental health and addiction facilities.
- Lack of support for immigrants and refugees.
- Traumatic events like a house fire or job loss.
- Personal crisis family break-up, loss of family member or domestic violence.
- Relational problems can include family violence and abuse.
- Coping with mental illnesses or addiction.

All of which can be both a cause and consequence of homelessness.

For ways you can help and donate to the Guam Homeless Coalition, visit THIS LINK.

Si Yuus Maase!